The Self-Employed Persons Program seeks to attract applicants who have relevant experience and have the intention and ability to become self-employed in Canada. Self-employed persons are required to have either
(a) Relevant experience, a minimum of two years of experience, during the period beginning five years before the date of application for permanent resident visa and ending on the day a determination is made in respect of the application, consisting of
- (i) In respect of cultural activities,
- (A) Two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in cultural activities,
(B) Two one year periods of experience in participation at a world class level in cultural activities, or
(C) A combination of a one-year of experience described in (A) and
a one-year of experience described in (B).
- (A) Two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in cultural activities,
- (ii) In respect of athletics,
- (A) Two one year periods of experience in self-employment in athletics,
- (B) Two one year periods of experience in participation at a world class level in athletics, or
- (D) A combination of a one-year of experience described in (A) and a one-year of experience described in (B).
- (iii) In respect of the purchase and management of a farm,
- (a) two one-year periods of experience in the management of a farm; and
- (b) A self-employed person selected by a province, has the meaning provided by the law of the province.